Thursday 12 January 2012

Final Three Terra Nova Episodes

Some of your will no doubt have noticed that I had been reviewing Terra Nova's first season. Every week I would watch the episode then write up my recap and review.
However some of you will also have noticed that I have not done this for the final three episodes and were perhaps wondering why.

The reason is quite mundane but very annoying. I had Terra Nova on series link on my Sky + but over the Christmas period the episodes got deleted. (Not by me I might add. ;) )
Nevermind I thought, Sky also allows you to download them and watch them on your computer, I shall do that. A good plan you might think. However I've tried a few times and for whatever reason cannot get the episodes in question to download.

So there you have it. Perhaps a lesson for me to have plans A, B and C when reviewing episodes and to never let drunken relatives near my Sky + box.
I am still trying to get my hands on copies on the episodes in question so that if/when it is confirmed Terra Nova has a second season I will be all caught up.