Friday 2 September 2011

Pick a genre, any genre.

All right, I've come up with the idea of answering questions to get my creative and analytical juices flowing. So I'll be posting a few of these up and if anyone wants to contribute by asking me a question then please feel free to do so.

Here goes. Short one to begin with.

If you could watch only one genre of movies (or television) for the rest of your life, which genre would you choose, and why? (Question taken from LJ Writer's Block)

I'll have to say Science Fiction.
Science fiction is a genre of "what ifs" and tells stories about what is happening now even though science fiction is often (but not always) set in the future. By setting stories in the near or distant futures and using technology as a way of getting a point across or expressing concerns science fiction can cover a broad range of narratives. Science fiction is speculative fiction, meaning it takes a contemporary issue and projects and expands this in a logical way, because of that it can incorporate elements of many different genres within it such as action, comedy or romance.
So if I were limited to just one genre then science fiction would be my first choice. It would be like having the best of them all. You can have moments of comedy, you can have two characters fall in love, the hero can do some action scenes and it can scare the pants off you just like any horror.
Most of what I watch is science fiction in some form anyway so if I did only have to watch that genre for the rest of my life there wouldn't be a huge change. ;)

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